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Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel speaks at the G7 summit’s closing press conference
Italy’s Prime Minister Matteo Renzi (right), IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde and US President Barack Obama having a conversation after the family photo of the G7 heads of state and government with the Outreach guests
Tusk (European Council), Juncker (European Commission), Hollande (France), Lagarde (IMF), Obama (USA), Buhari (Nigeria) und Cameron (UK) (from left to right) stand in front of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel before the family photo is taken
Group photo of the G7 together with their outreach guests: Brtish Prime Minister David Cameron talking to Chancellor Angela Merkel
Group photo of the G7 sitting together with their outreach guests on a bench
Chancellor Angela Merkel during the welcome ceremony for the outreach guests in front of Schloss Elmau
Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel during the welcome ceremony for the Outreach guests
Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel greets Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari in front of Schloss Elmau
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